Tips on Working From Home

2020 really is the year of working from home. As a freelance, I’m fairly used to the idea, however, this is a new challenge for many people.

Here are my top tips to stay productive as you remain stuck at home:

  1. Get Dressed

    This may seem like a simple task, but it is SO effective. It’s easy to feel like you’re not really at work if you’re lounging in your pajamas all day. I recommend putting on something that you would normally wear and maybe even do your make up or accessorize if you’re finding you have the time. Not only will this make you feel like more of a human, but will boost your confidence and productivity. Getting dressed signifies the start of the day and that things are about to be done. Besides - those zoom meetings seem to be pretty popular…

  2. Designate a “Work” Space

    I feel like this goes along with getting dressed. If you don’t leave your room, you’re also not likely to feel like you’re working. It’s also important to separate your work from home life as you need to disconnect from work once and awhile. If everything feels like work or everything feels like your home life, you’re either going to not be productive at all, or struggle to walk away from your job,

  3. Put Away Distractions

    I get it. You’re home alone working on your own laptop. It’s easy to get caught up in other websites, your phone, hey, even the kitchen (I know I like to snack when bored). If this is something you struggle with, I would definitely suggest putting away your phone until your lunch or the end of your work day. Stick to your designated workspace and make a list of things you need to accomplish that day to keep you on track.

  4. Stick to Your Designated Work Hours

    It may be more of a struggle if there’s no official clock in or clock out time, but be conscious of the hours you put in. Even as a freelancer, I have to dedicate time off where I won’t allow myself to work. It’s important to keep that work-life balance in order to remain productive and well - stay sane.

Hope these quick tips help. 2020 has been a rough year so remain kind to one another and stay safe!

Kelsey Gie


Behind the Lens: a Day in the Life of a Tour Photographer